What Ernest Hemingway says goes !

I never thought being a big dreamer would be a bad thing until I pinpointed it as the root cause of my false hopes. My first source of energy comes from my mind, how I can take a situation and dream it bigger, better, grander, differently and to my detriment, unrealistically. My mind knows no boundaries and with that ability, to see and dream things longer and further down the road than what their life expectancy is meant to be, has time and time again lead to disappointment. I am left with a feeling that is far less satisfying than what I was hoping. All fancy talk aside, in other words, I get ahead of myself. This rings true for all things in my life, aspirations, career, personal goals, relationships etc. 

There is a fine line between having dreams such as having a family, a certain career goal, or traveling to the far corners of the earth, and dreaming beyond your means, even in your own mind. There is so much flare in what I think up that I make it so easy to want to slip away into this fabrication and just as hard to escape it.

That was my previous school of thought, until I came across something uttered from the lips of Ernest Hemingway:

“That is what we are supposed to do when we are at our best - make it all up - but make it up so truly that later it will happen that way”.

Well, what Ernest says goes. Ladies and gentleman, dream big. Believe in what you create. Believe in the strength of your dreams. If you lay the groundwork necessary for them to laboriously come to fruition (in my case, the talent and drive), then it is attainable.

Happy Dreams


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